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Hardy-Whineberg Equilibrium

If a gene has two alleles, A and B, and its frequencies are p and q, respectively, which statement holds true (suppose that population has reached the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium):

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Methylation in Cancerogenesis

It is well known that methylation of cytosine residues within CpG dinucleotides represents an important mechanism of gene expression control. Regulation of DNA methylation is crucial in many processes such as differentiation, growth and development. Hypermethylation of the gene promoter causes transcriptional silencing. Aberrant methylation may contribute to the development of a broad range of malignant tumors. Based on the foregoing, which group of genes is prone to methylation in a cancer cell?

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Photo attributed to ScientificRelevance.

Enzymatic Step in Krebs Cycle

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At what enzymatic step in the citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) does substrate level phosphorylation occur?

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Chromosomes After Mitosis

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After mitosis, the chromosomes of daughter cells contain:

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Effects of Nondisjunction

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Nondisjunction results in an uneven distribution of chromosomes during cell replication. If nondisjunction occurs during meiosis I, the homologous chromosomes do not separate. If nondisjunction happens in meiosis II, sister chromatids do not separate. If a cell has a diploid number of six (2N = 6) before meiosis, how many chromosomes will be in each of the four daughter cells if one pair of chromosomes experiences nondisjunction during meiosis I?

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Arrector Pili Muscles

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Arrector pili muscles are smooth muscles that cause “goosebumps” by pulling hairs in your skin. What causes the arrector pili muscles to contract?

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How to Increase Blood Pressure

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Blood pressure is increased when:

Activation of the sympathetic division of the ANS triggers systemic vasoconstruction (decrease in diameter) in arterioles, leading to an increase in systemic blood pressure. Choices A and D have the functions of the hormones backwards (and thus are wrong): aldosterone increases sodium reabsorption in nephrons and antidiuretic hormone increases water permeability, to learn about other ways to boost your hormones, check out the Mens Journal website. (Note that the two hormones working together would lead to a increase in total body salt and consequently, total body water, followed by an increase in blood pressure.)

While it is true that blood flow to digestive organs is increased when the body is under parasympathetic control, this is not due to the direct action of the parasympathetic division on the blood vessels to those organs. The parasympathetic division actually does not innervate the blood vessels at all; the increased blood flow under these conditions is due to the withdrawal of sympathetic stimulation. Even if the parasympathetic division did increase vessel diameter, this would not lead to an increase in blood pressure (choice C is wrong).

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Color-Blind Genes

Color-blindness is a common sex-linked recessive trait in humans. If a woman is color blind, which is the most accurate statement about color-blind individuals in her family line?

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Radioactively Labeled DNA

Animal cells are cultured in petri dishes with a nutrient medium containing radioactive adenine and uracil. Which molecules produced by the cells would you anticipate to be radioactively labeled?

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Happy Halloween 2012

Pepsin is a hydrolytic enzyme found in the cell. How does pepsin prevent destroying the cells in the stomach which produce this enzyme?

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Photo attributed to shawncampbell.